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Bard is Google's alternative to ChatGPT. If you haven't tried it yet, watch this video that I made in March and then give it a try. The newest feature added to Bard makes it easy to quickly transfer the transcript of your Bard chat into a...

After a decade of using Windows as my primary operating system, I recently switched back to using a MacBook Air as my primary computer. Making the switch has meant re-learning a couple of little things. It has also meant installing some software that I always...

Good morning from Maine where the sun is shining as I sip my second cup of coffee of the day. Yes, at 5:07am I'm drinking my second cup. That's what happens when you have little kids and a puppy. Speaking of puppies, ours has his...

The Psychology Behind Irrational Decisions is the title of a TED-Ed lesson that I needed to rewatch this morning.  The lesson focuses on the role of heuristics in our decision making processes. Of course, to understand the role of heuristics in making decisions students first...

Every year we plant a small vegetable garden in our backyard. Some years it does better than others. There was a year when it seemed like we were picking seven cucumbers a day. Last year the cucumbers didn't do well, but we had cherry tomatoes...

It has started to feel like summer is right around the corner here in Maine. Twice this week I've sat outside on our picnic table to do some course work. If you're interested in a professional development course that you can do while sitting outside...

Yesterday afternoon Ruston Hurley and I got together to record another installment of our Two EdTech Guys Take Questions series. In the episode we answered a question about alternative search engines, went on a bit of a tangent about image metadata, and shared a couple...