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Around this time last year Google launched Fact Check Explorer. Fact Check Explorer is a tool that anyone can use to check the accuracy and origins of claims made in online articles. As I wrote last year, Fact Check Explorer isn't an infallible tool. That...

There is no shortage of AI tools available to teachers today. Some are stand-alone and some are being built into the tools we're already using. Canva's AI image generator is an example of a good one being added into a tool that is already popular...

Adding a little transition animation to your slideshow presentations can make things pop a little bit. But at this point we're all conditioned to the standard "slide in," "spin," and "breathe" animations found in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva. That's why you might want to...

Google Arts & Culture has a lot of fun, interesting, and educational games for students. A couple of weeks ago I shared Return of the Cat Mummy from Google Arts & Culture. Last week, thanks to Tony Vincent, I learned about another fun game from...

It's Fourth of July weekend and despite what feels like never-ending rain in Maine we heard some fireworks being shot off last night. Our dogs did not appreciate it. My kids thought they were neat. That prompted my youngest to ask about fireworks work.If your...

Everywhere I look this weekend I see signs and mentions of 4th of July weekend. My daughters (ages 5 and 6) have noticed them as well. That inspired my oldest to ask while we were driving home from Santa's Village yesterday afternoon, "what's 4th of...

It's Saturday morning! As I do every Saturday morning, I've made a list of the week's most popular posts. This week I spent a few days in Philadelphia at the ISTE Live conference. My trip was sponsored by Canva. While there I had some time to...

Good evening from New Hampshire where I'm having a little R&R with my family after a very busy week and a busy month. The sun came out just in time for us to enjoy some time outdoors before bedtime. As I write this my kids...

On Tuesday morning I went to micro:bit workshop hosted by Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez. It was a ton of fun. My only complaint, I wish it was longer because I wanted to keep playing with my new friends as we explored and tinkered together. On...