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Disclosure: Tract is an advertiser on FreeTech4Teachers.comLast fall I introduced many of you to Tract as a platform for Genius Hour activities, for PBL, and for remote learning. Many of you have reported that it has been great for all of those things. Now I’d...

MapPuzzle is a simple online geography game that I recently learned about through the Maps Mania blog. The game is based on the premise of political boundaries being the lines in a jigsaw puzzle. You have to drag the countries, states, or provinces into their...

Canvas Mol is a website that provides 3D, interactive, rotating models of simple and complex molecules. There are more than fifty models of relatively common molecules like glucose, fructose, and morphine. Each model can be altered to show or not show bonds, to show or not...

Good morning from Maine where more than a foot of fresh snow has fallen in the last 24 hours. According to the snowcat, we have at least 20" of snow in our yard. What's a snowcat? It's a board that has a ruler on it...

A couple of weeks ago I shared some information about Denali's Distance Learning Program for K-12 classrooms. This week I learned that Yellowstone National Park offers a similar program. Yellowstone National Park's distance learning program lets you schedule a twenty to forty minute virtual presentation with...

If a student has ever said to you, “I can’t find anything about this,” the webinar that I’m hosting on February 15th is for you. On February 15th at 4pm ET I’m hosting Search Strategies for History Students and Teachers. In this one hour webinar...

Wolfram Tones is a neat offering from Wolfram that students can use to can play with sample sounds and rhythms to create new own sounds. Wolfram Tones uses algorithms, music theory, and sound samples to generate new collections of sounds. Wolfram Tones allows visitors to choose samples from fifteen different genres...

One of the lesser-utilized features of Google Drawings is the ability to comment on images. Drawings allows you to collaboratively create drawings from scratch and or alter images that you upload to Drawings. By uploading an image you can draw on it and write on...

The other day I sarcastically Tweeted, "can you imagine if we let students cite sources the way that ESPN lets reporters name anonymous sources?" My Tweet was in response to ESPN's somewhat botched reporting of Tom Brady's retirement from playing in the NFL. Tweeting that...