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I have been using Focusable since September to help me stop procrastinating and focus on the work that I need to get done when I'd rather be doing something else. Focusable isn't just for adults. In fact, it was created for classroom use. However, Focusable...

We frequently have wild turkeys come through our backyard. And almost as frequently one of my dogs will chase them until they fly off. I was recently telling a friend about this pattern and he said, "I didn't know that turkeys can fly." That's actually...

Nature art for ChristmasNature art for ChristmasMaths Outdoors, RME Outdoors, Technologies, Christmas, Forest School Christmas crafts, Forest School Christmas ideas, KS1 Forest school, KS2 Forest School, maths, nature, Nature Christmas ideas, nature maths, sticksRead More...

Looking for new ways to review learning, discuss questions, formatively assess, and be more playful with learning? Here are 24 different games and structures you can use that will infuse laughter and joy into your classroom. No matter the age of students or context you teach,...

Spaces is a digital portfolio tool that I've covered since the beginning of 2021 when it launched with a great feature called Asynchronous Breakout Rooms. Since then it has grown to include better reporting features and "best of" showcase features. The latest update comes in...

A couple of mornings ago a reader asked me to help her figure out how a Google Doc she didn't remember sharing was accessed by a colleague. After ruling out that her account had been compromised I discovered that the document in question was part...

Spotting signs of Xmas in your communitySpotting signs of Xmas in your communityCommunity Involvement, Early Years Outdoors, Personal & Holidays, RME Outdoors, Technologies, outdoor Xmas display, school Xmas display outdoors, Xmas walksRead More...

The Commonwealth of Kentucky has leaned hard into the 4 Shifts Protocol to support its schools’ technology integration and instructional redesign work. Over 650(!) Digital Learning Coaches (DLCs) across the state have received a copy of Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning and are working with their...