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Many of us lamented the loss of Google Expeditions because it was a great tool for leading students on virtual reality tours of all kinds of interesting places around the world. Similarly, many of us were disappointed when Google shuttered Tour Creator because it was...

Good evening from Banner County, Nebraska! I'm here for the next few days to visit my good friends Kris and Beth Still. Those of you who have followed by blog since its early days may recall that Beth is the person who organized the NECC...

Making wooden spoons into characters for writing and display outside.Making wooden spoons into characters for writing and display outside.Art & Music Outdoors, Literacy Outdoors, KS1 literacy character ideas, KS1 outdoor art, KS1 outdoor technology, outdoor art, outdoor drama, outdoor learning, outdoor technology, The Coombes School,...

CoCoMaterial is an online library of almost 2,500 drawings that you can download and re-use for free. I've been using it for about a month and I really like the style of the artwork found on CoCoMaterial. It has been a hit with the folks...

Many years ago I was at the annual ISTE conference when I heard a speaker say, "if you want the biggest authentic audience for your students' work, put it on YouTube." I think he had a good point because it is possible for your students'...

Many of use lamented the loss of Google Expeditions because it was a great tool for leading students on virtual reality tours of all kinds of interesting places around the world. Similarly, many of us were disappointed when Google shuttered Tour Creator because it was...

I have been using Focusable since September to help me stop procrastinating and focus on the work that I need to get done when I'd rather be doing something else. Focusable isn't just for adults. In fact, it was created for classroom use. However, Focusable...

We frequently have wild turkeys come through our backyard. And almost as frequently one of my dogs will chase them until they fly off. I was recently telling a friend about this pattern and he said, "I didn't know that turkeys can fly." That's actually...

Nature art for ChristmasNature art for ChristmasMaths Outdoors, RME Outdoors, Technologies, Christmas, Forest School Christmas crafts, Forest School Christmas ideas, KS1 Forest school, KS2 Forest School, maths, nature, Nature Christmas ideas, nature maths, sticksRead More...