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I ran across this working paper from Dr. David Autor, a labor economist at MIT: Autor, D., Chin, C., Salomons, A., & Seegmiller, B. (2023). New frontiers: The origins and content of new work, 1940-2018. Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming). Autor et al. defined new work as...

I’m going to leave these screenshots here so I don’t forget them… [sigh] Text is underneath each one. ME: It would be a terrible, terrible thing if students ever got to learn about things THEY wanted, not just what WE wanted? THEM: Adult discernment and responsibility doesn’t...

I participated in a Twitter conversation yesterday that bounced around a bit. I believe that most of the folks I conversed with were from the United Kingdom. I also believe that many of them were in favor of what we might call ‘strict discipline’ in...

What's your professional and personal impact?What's your professional and personal impact?Early Years Outdoors, Personal & Holidays, Diane Kashin, Diane Kashin ECERead More...

Books I finished reading (or rereading) in December 2023… The Power of Moments, Chip Heath & Dan Heath (leadership) Atomic Habits, James Clear (productivity) In the Spirit of the Studio, Lella Gandini, Lynne Hill, Louise Cadwell, and Charles Schwall (education) Deschooling Society, Ivan Illich (education) Frontera, Julio Anta & Jacoby...

When we subject young people to 13 years of ‘just tell me what to do’ schooling that emphasizes giving teachers ‘the right answer’ instead of exploration and risk-taking, we shouldn’t be surprised that their ‘curiosity in learning’ has been extinguished. Download this file. See also my other...