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Books I finished reading (or rereading) in April 2024… The A.I. Roadmap, John Spencer (education) The AI Infused Classroom, Holly Clark (education) The AI Classroom, Dan Fitzpatrick, Amanda Fox, & Brad Weinstein (education) The Generative Age, Alanna Winnick (education) AI for Educators, Matt Miller (education) Learning Evolution, Carl Hooker (education) Active Learning...

Breaking news! A nationally-representative poll of more than 1,000 teenagers finds that… students are still bored. Here are some key findings: 64% of teenagers think that school is boring 70% of teenagers say that all or most of their classmates are bored in class Only 41% of teenagers...

A little stone can give a lot of empowerment in a funny sort of way.A little stone can give a lot of empowerment in a funny sort of way.Literacy Outdoors, creativity, literacy, literacy activities, reading, stones, thinking skillsRead More...

Books I finished reading (or rereading) in March 2024… Never Enough, Jennifer Breheny Wallace (education) The Grand Conspiracy, J. N. Chaney & Terry Mixon (science fiction) Shield of Humanity, J. N. Chaney & Terry Mixon (science fiction) Fog of War, J. N. Chaney & Terry Mixon (science fiction) Ships of...

When children need to go they need to go!When children need to go they need to go!Early Years Outdoors, Whole School, barriers to learning outdoors, Forest Kindergarten toilets, Forst School toilets, outdoor toilets children, outdoor toiletting, schools and toilets outsideRead More...

Being an elementary teacher and then a middle school teacher was awesome. However, I knew I wanted to understand the education landscape from various perspectives. I decided to become an instructional coach, which led me to starting my side hustle in career coaching and then to...

Removing one of the barriers to working outside with groups.Removing one of the barriers to working outside with groups.Early Years Outdoors, Whole School, barriers to learning outdoors, hand hygiene outdoor advice, hand hygiene outdoor kit, hand hygiene outdoors, health & safety, health & wellbeing, hygiene,...

Stumped for ideas? Check out this blog post about why every school needs a stump or several!Stumped for ideas? Check out this blog post about why every school needs a stump or several!Developing School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces, Early Years Outdoors, stumps, stumps biodiversity, stumps...