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I'm not 100% certain of this, but I'd make a substantial wager that TinyURL was the first URL shortener I ever used. I know I was using it before I started this blog and that's going on 16 years this year. The point being that...

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day! Those of you who teach pre-K or early elementary grades you may have some students who are as excited about it as my pre-K and Kindergarten daughters are. If that's the case, you may be interested in watching the following videos...

Outdoor literacy ideas to celebrate Valentine's Day for middle and upper primary classes.Outdoor literacy ideas to celebrate Valentine's Day for middle and upper primary classes.Literacy Outdoors, outdoor literacy ideas KS2, outdoor Valentine day activities, Valentine's Day, writing outdoorsRead More...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about why you should remove unused apps from your Google account and from your Android phone. One reader correctly pointed out that while I explained why you should do that, I didn't explain how to remove unused apps...

Last week I published a new tutorial about how to add footnotes to Google Documents. After publishing it I decided that it was time to continue on my quest to bring some better organization to my YouTube channel. The next step in that quest was...

Last week I published a video about creating writing prompts with Spinner Wheel. Terry Freedman took that idea and ran with it to start the week on his Eclecticism Substack. In Terry's latest article he shared the Spinner Wheel of writing prompts that he created....