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Good morning from Maine where the it's -17F and windy as I write this blog post. Even by Maine standards it is exceptionally cold. How cold? The ski school where I teach on the weekends is closed today due to the wind and cold. Instead...

Chat tools and polling services provide good ways to hear from all of the students in a classroom. These kinds of tools, often referred to as backchannel tools, allow shy students to ask questions and share comments. For your more outspoken students who want to...

Now that Groundhog Day has come and gone, Valentine's Day is the next holiday that my daughters are looking forward to celebrating. Yesterday, both of them came home from school with letters from their teachers about Valentine's Day activities planned for their classrooms. The activities...

Over the next two days here in Maine we're expecting some of the coldest temperatures and windchills of the last 50 years. As we say in Maine, it's going to be wicked cold! It's going to be so cold that kids will stay inside for...

Advice when applying for grants and funds.Advice when applying for grants and funds.Whole School, Forest School funding, Forest School grants, outdoor learning funding, outdoor learning grants, outdoor play funding, outdoor play grants, school grounds funding, school grounds grantsRead More...

Yesterday, I shared a brief overview of AI Text Classifier which can be used to determine the likelihood that a article was written with ChatGPT. Today, I have a similar tool to share with you. GPTZero is a free tool that analyzes text to determine...

Focusable is a free app and website that I started using at the start of this school year. It's a tool that anyone can use to teach themselves to focus on completing difficult tasks, to ignore cheap social media distractions, and to recharge after completing...