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Pi Day is just one week away (as is the start of my new course). In recent years I've shared some video lessons about Pi Day and some hands-on Pi Day lesson ideas. This year I'd like to highlight some physical education activities for Pi...

The change to Daylight Saving Time coincides with the saving grace of the end of winter, the start maple syrup season! The days are getting a little longer and the sun is a little higher in the sky during the day. That increased daylight and warmth...

Over the weekend I got a bunch of questions about my new Practical Ed Tech course, Five Video Projects for Almost Every Classroom. Perhaps you've been thinking about taking the course and were wondering about some elements of it. Here's a short list of some...

Nets are a forgotten resource that have tremendous value in learning and play settings.Nets are a forgotten resource that have tremendous value in learning and play settings.Early Years Outdoors, Play Resources, displays, loose parts play ideas, loose parts play nets, loose parts play resources, nets,...

The Hero's Journey is a free writing template from Read Write Think that I originally reviewed ten years ago. Like all of the RWT templates it was Flash-based. It has since been relaunched to run on HTML5 in any web browser. The Hero's Journey is an...

Last week I was a guest on the International Teacher Podcast (episode to be released soon). In the course of the conversation the topic of notebooks came up and I mentioned the collection of notebooks that I have on the shelves in my office. That...

It has been a few years since I've written a post like this one. But since there has been a bit of an uptick in new followers lately, I think it's time to share a bit about myself so that you know who is actually...