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It's almost that time of year when when most of us in the northern hemisphere have to move our clocks forward by one hour. I never liked moving my clocks forward in the spring before I had kids. And now as the tired dad of...

Right now some of my students are designing their own Arduino projects. I have money for them to spend on materials, but they have to stay within the budget allotted to them. I'm having them use Google Sheets to keep track of materials and budget....

Right now some of my students are designing their own Arduino projects. I have money for them to spend on materials, but they have to stay within the budget allotted to them. I'm having them use Google Sheets to keep track of materials and budget....

Good morning from Maine where it is going to be another great weekend for playing in the snow. One of my dogs is doing that as I write this. He's happiest when it's cold and snowy. Just take a look at the picture in this...

Good morning from Maine where it is going to be another great weekend for playing in the snow. One of my dogs is doing that as I write this. He's happiest when it's cold and snowy. Just take a look at the picture in this...