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Good morning from Maine where the sun is rising on what promises to be a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms that read my blog, especially my mom! We're doing some gardening this weekend. I hope that you have something...

Google is ending support for Google Expeditions on June 30th. A few weeks ago I shared a short list of alternatives to Google Expeditions. In that blog post I mentioned that one of features of Expeditions that I'll miss most is the ability to remotely...

Knowt is a neat service that I've featured a few times over the last couple of years. It's a service that will automatically generate flashcards and quizzes from any document that you import into it. The latest update to Knowt provides registered teachers and students with...

I get lots of questions sent to me every week. There is one that I get asked more frequently than any other. That is, "what are you using to make your videos." Usually, people ask that because they want to know how I'm highlighting my...

CodePen is a code editing environment in which students can see how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to form web applications. As you can see in the screenshot that I've included below, the screen is divided into four parts. There's a column for HTML,...

Yesterday afternoon I read an interesting article titled Belgian Farmer Accidentally Moves French Border. The whole story is almost exactly what the title says. A farmer moved a stone that was in his way when plowing a field. It just happened that the stone he...

This is an update to a blog post that I published six years ago on this topic. Some of the tools in the original post are either no longer available or have implemented a subscription-based business model. Composing a story from scratch comes naturally to some...