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On Monday we had our first truly warm and sunny spring afternoon here in western Maine. I went fly fishing for a little while on a little stream near my house. It was while I was fishing that I thought to myself, "self, you haven't...

I originally wrote this blog post eight years ago. I was reminded of it yesterday when I saw a similar top ten list to the one mentioned below shared by a former colleague with whom I'm Facebook friends.This morning one of my Facebook friends posted...

Now that my daughters are learning to read I have a new and better appreciation of importance of good visual aids as they learn new words. Likewise, for kids who are a little older than mine, the right visual aids can make all the difference...

Removing the background from an image is a good way to protect your privacy and that of people who might unintentionally be in the background of your pictures. Remove image backgrounds is also a good way to get a stand-alone image of yourself to then...

BookWidgets is a service that I wrote about back in October. When I wrote about it then, it offered dozens of templates for creating interactive lesson activities that you can see your students complete online. Recently, BookWidgets added a new rubrics function that you can...

Books I finished reading (or rereading) in April 2022… Equity-Centered Trauma-Informed Education, Alex Venet (education) K: A History of Baseball in Ten Pitches, Tyler Kepner (baseball) The Gathering Storm, Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (fantasy) Towers of Midnight, Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (fantasy) A Memory of Light, Robert Jordan...

April 2022 has come and gone. Where there was snow on the ground at the start of the month there is now some green grass poking up. It felt like a busy month for me as I hosted some webinars and started planning for some...

Good morning from Maine where the sun is shining and it might get above 60F for the first time in a long time. We're going to play outside with our Tinkergarten class, ride bikes, and probably do a bit of garden work as well. Our...

Mentimeter is an online polling and quiz tool that I've used since its launch over a decade ago. In that time it has evolved and added lots of helpful features for teachers. One of those features is the ability to broadcast your slides to your...