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Disclosure: Quizalize is an advertiser on FreeTech4Teachers.com.Last week I published a blog post about the new games feature of Quizalize. That feature enables you to take any quiz that you've written or any of the premade quizzes in Quizalize and turn it into one of...

When you drive into my home state of Maine two of the first signs you'll notice are a sign to watch for moose and a sign banning the importation of firewood. The reason for the moose crossing sign is fairly self-explanatory. The reason for the...

Google Forms is a great platform for creating all kinds of simple quiz and review activities. One of the features of Google Forms that is often overlooked is the "go to section based on answer" setting. When you use that setting correctly you can send...

Good morning from Maine where it's a brisk 47F. It feels like a classic early fall morning in Northern New England. Later it'll warm up a bit and be perfect for riding bikes and enjoying the long weekend. I hope that you have a great...

SciShow Kids recently published an updated video about a "classic" science experiment. That experiment is dropping Mentos candies into a bottle of soda pop. But before doing that and explaining what happens, the video briefly explains how beverages are carbonated and why the bubbles stick...

Hard to believe this is a designed playspace and not natural. Check it out!Hard to believe this is a designed playspace and not natural. Check it out!Developing School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces, natural playgrounds, natural playscapes, nature design, naturescape, Perth, Rio Tinto NaturescapeRead More...

It's September and here in Maine the leaves on some of the maple trees are already starting to change color. This is my favorite time of year! And it's time that once again I share my favorite fall video project. The project is to create...