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I had the pleasure recently of appearing on the Navigating Education podcast with Matt Rhoads. Episode 59 was titled Leadership and Instructional Design for Deeper Learning. Matt and I had a wide-ranging discussion about the design and leadership decisions that foster deeper learning by students. Happy listening! Related...

Last week I finished reading Liar's Poker written by Michael Lewis. The book is partly about his experience as a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers in the 1980's and partly about expansion of the bond market itself during the 1980's. The parts about how the...

Learn about multiplication with leavesLearn about multiplication with leavesMaths Outdoors, compound leaves, KS1 Forest School Maths, KS1 leaf activity, KS1 outdoor maths, leaves, maths, multiplication, nature, outdoor multiplicationRead More...

This coming Tuesday, November 1st at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT Rushton Hurley and I will be hosting the second episode of our third season of Two EdTech Guys Take Questions and Share Cool Stuff. Just like the title says we take questions, answer questions, and share...

One of the things that people sometimes find surprising about me is that I enjoy listening to and watching old Grateful Dead shows. One of my all-time favorites is this October 31, 1980 performance of Ripple. I was watching it for about the hundredth time...

As my daughters have reminded me about 1,000 times in the last week, tomorrow is Halloween. If you have elementary school students who are equally excited about Halloween and you want to include a little Halloween-themed activity into your day tomorrow, take a look through...

Free, spontaneous suggestions for playing with leaves.Free, spontaneous suggestions for playing with leaves.Early Years Outdoors, Nature Play & Learning, Autumn, EYFS leaf play, ideas for leaves, leaf play, leaf play ideas, leavesRead More...

Wakelet is a free, collaborative bookmarking and file organization tool that puts things into a nice visual display. So when a former colleague emailed me a couple of days ago to ask for help creating a collection of digital maps Wakelet was one of the...

Good morning from Maine where the sunrise is still more than an hour away as I drink my first cup of coffee. It's going to be an exciting day in our house because we're going to see Disney Frozen on Ice! To say that my...