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The start of Geography Awareness Week is nine days away. It's probably my favorite academically-themed week of the year. (Yes, that's my social studies teacher background coming through). Over the next week or so I'll be sharing a bunch of great resources for teaching and...

Good morning from Maine where it is unusually warm for November. There have been many years in the past when I have been skiing by this point in the fall. Today, we're going to the beach! We won't swim because the water is quite cold...

Celebrate Scotland's National Day - Outside!Celebrate Scotland's National Day - Outside!RME Outdoors, Social Subjects Outdoors, Technologies, Whole SchoolRead More...

It’s always gratifying to see your resources being used by educators. I’ve worked with the Bismarck Public Schools multiple times on leadership, vision, and instructional design for deeper learning (and we featured Legacy High School in Leadership for Deeper Learning). They’ve got an amazing group...

On Thursday morning I wrote about a new TED-Ed lesson that explains why we procrastinate. The lesson also offers some suggestions for breaking the procrastination habit. One of those suggestions is to journal about how you feel when faced with a task that you would...

During Tuesday night's episode of Two EdTech Guys Take Questions the topic of audio recording came up. That prompted me to go on a little bit of a tangent (as I'm prone to doing) about The Great Thanksgiving Listen hosted by StoryCorps. The Great Thanksgiving Listen hosted...

I meant to write about this a few days ago. TED-Ed recently published a new lesson that tackles an issue that most of us have dealt with at one time or another. That issue is procrastination. Why You Procrastinate Even When It Feels Bad is a...

A couple of nights ago Rushton Hurley and I resumed our Two Ed Tech Guys Take Questions series. We were joined by a handful of fine folks and even more people were registered to join us. If you missed our live broadcast, you can now watch the...

A simple series of activities to create an autumnal literacy lessonA simple series of activities to create an autumnal literacy lessonLiteracy Outdoors, KS1 outdoor literacy ideas, KS2 outdoor literacy ideas, leaves, literacy, literacy activities, outdoor learning, outdoor poetry, poetry, writing, writing activitiesRead More...