25 Sep The Writer’s Workshop – 29 Videos That Can Help Students Improve Their Writing
The Writer’s Workshop is a playlist of twenty-nine TED-Ed video lessons about writing. The The Writer’s Workshop contains lessons on basic topics like how to use punctuation and point of view. It also offers videos about more difficult topics like how to make your writing humorous.
A few of the videos from The Writer’s Workshop playlist are embedded below.
How to Make Your Writing Funnier
TED-Ed’s The Writer’s Workshop is a good place for students to find some quick lessons on punctuation and grammar. Students who are ready to take their writing to a new level could benefit from the TED-Ed videos on irony, introductions, and building fictional worlds.
The Writer’s Workshop is a playlist of twenty-nine TED-Ed video lessons about writing. The The Writer’s Workshop contains lessons on basic topics like how to use punctuation and point of view. It also offers videos about more difficult topics like how to make your writing humorous.A few of the videos from The Writer’s Workshop playlist are embedded below.First, Second, and Third PersonWhen to Use ApostrophesHow to Make Your Writing Funnier Applications for EducationTED-Ed’s The Writer’s Workshop is a good place for students to find some quick lessons on punctuation and grammar. Students who are ready to take their writing to a new level could benefit from the TED-Ed videos on irony, introductions, and building fictional worlds.
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