11 Jun Skim vs. Whole Milk – Another Lesson Prompted by My Daughters
On Friday afternoon when I picked up my youngest daughter from preschool she promptly informed me that she now only likes 2% milk and not whole milk. That was her reason of the day for not drinking milk.
In the video below Brain Stuff explains the differences between skim, 1%, 2%, and whole milk. The process of creating skim milk is also included in the video.
After watching the Brain Stuff video on the different types of milk, consider continuing your nutrition lessons with Fat World or one of the resources from Nourish Interactive.
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On Friday afternoon when I picked up my youngest daughter from preschool she promptly informed me that she now only likes 2% milk and not whole milk. That was her reason of the day for not drinking milk. My daughter’s proclamation reminded me of a lesson that I shared years ago before I even had children of my own.
In the video below Brain Stuff explains the differences between skim, 1%, 2%, and whole milk. The process of creating skim milk is also included in the video.
Applications for Education
After watching the Brain Stuff video on the different types of milk, consider continuing your nutrition lessons with Fat World or one of the resources from Nourish Interactive.Nourish Interactive is a great resource for elementary school health and nutrition teachers. Nourish Interactive offers lesson plans, printable guides and forms, resources for parents, and games for students. In the printables section teachers will find things like fun coloring pages as well as educational pages like “name the food group” and “exercise tracking sheets.” The parents’ section of Nourish Interactive offers parents tips on teaching healthy eating habits at home. The parents’ section also offers tips and recipes for cooking healthy food with kids. The games section of Nourish Interactive contains ten online games for elementary school students. The games are designed to reinforce the lessons learned from parents and teachers using the teaching resources on Nourish Interactive.
Learn how to make more money this year by creating and selling your own digital products. Enroll in How to Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products today!Educational Videos, Free Technology For Teachers, health, Milk, Nutrition, teaching with videoRead More
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