Rainbow Maths Sticks
A versatile cheap resource that has so many uses.A versatile cheap resource that has so many uses.Maths Outdoors, Technologies, KS1 outdoor maths, KS2 outdoor maths, maths stick ideas, outdoor maths problem solvingRead More...
A versatile cheap resource that has so many uses.A versatile cheap resource that has so many uses.Maths Outdoors, Technologies, KS1 outdoor maths, KS2 outdoor maths, maths stick ideas, outdoor maths problem solvingRead More...
This is a post from my archives that fits with the theme of Geography Awareness Week. This morning I responded to a Tweet from someone who was looking for "plate tectonics virtual experiences for students." My mind immediately went to using Google Earth. A quick search...
Since it is Geography Awareness Week I thought I'd pull a lesson plan from my archives to share with you. From voyages to games to simple measuring tools, the web version of Google Earth has a lot of neat features that can help students learn about...
Are you a tech coach, tech integrator, or media specialist who has been asked to run a little tech workshop? Do you need some ideas for it? If so, 50 Tech Tuesday Tips is for you! 50 Tech Tuesday Tips was curated from more than 400 editions...
Abstract maths markings that are simple to adapt and use for creative explorationsAbstract maths markings that are simple to adapt and use for creative explorationsDeveloping School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces, Maths Outdoors, Technologies, creativity, design, KS2 outdoor maths, maths playground markings, outdoor creative project, outdoor...
Today is the first day of Geography Awareness Week. In the following videos I provide an overview of five map-based geography games that your students can play this week or any other time they need to practice identifying places around the world. All five games...
Last week a reader emailed me to ask the following question:Do you have any recommendations for a live translation during a keynote address or conference? For example, if the speaker is doing their presentation in English but we have Spanish speakers in the audience. They...
Poll Everywhere is a polling tool that I've used off and on throughout the past decade. It's a great tool for gathering questions from an audience, polling an audience, and seeing word clouds of sentiment from an audience. People can respond to your poll questions from...
The whole point of maths outside is that it is real and relies on practical activities.The whole point of maths outside is that it is real and relies on practical activities.Early Years Outdoors, Maths Outdoors, counting, maths, nature maths, urban activitiesRead More...
I’ve spent this fall co-creating a brand new course with Dr. Rebecca Branstetter of the Thriving School Psychologist. It’s called Reverse Educator Burnout: 10 Shifts to Help Educators Enjoy the Journey and Stay the Course, and it’s designed to support EVERYONE who works in K-12 schools...