13 May 2 hours, up to 200 people, 1 low price
[Trying something new here…]
The 4 Shifts Protocol is taking off in schools around the world. We’ve got tens of thousands of educators already using it for instructional redesign. Schools who are trying to focus on deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and rich technology infusion are finding the protocol to be helpful in their efforts. While our book, Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning, introduces the protocol, has some lesson redesign examples, and includes some tips and strategies, some schools and educators are looking for more interactive professional development.
As we attempt to innovate out of the pandemic and create some new opportunities for students, let’s see if this will be of help:
2 hours… up to 200 people… for $1,000 (USD).
Online synchronous only. U.S. schools only (for now). Between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm Mountain time (currently GMT-6). No pricing per person and no travel costs! I will provide a quick overview of the protocol, we will redesign two or three lessons together in small groups, I will field questions and concerns, and we will conclude with some suggestions and strategies for usage in your local setting.
Interested? . We’ll find a date and time and I’ll send you the Zoom link. It’s that easy.
And of course we can customize this. For instance, we could do:
- 1 introductory session for teachers (got a group of innovators?)
- 1 introductory session for administrators
- 1 or 2 follow-up sessions to go deeper (e.g., with your own lessons and/or around instructional coaching)
Or we could do:
- 1 introductory session for elementary school(s)
- 1 introductory session for middle school(s)
- 1 introductory session for high school(s)
- 1 introductory session for instructional / technology coaches and principals
- 1 or 2 follow-up sessions to go deeper (e.g., with your own lessons and/or around instructional coaching)
Or we could do:
- 1 session on Section A, Deeper Thinking and Learning
- 1 session on Section B, Authentic Work
- 1 session on Section C, Student Agency and Personalization
- 1 session on Section D, Technology Infusion
- 1 session with examples of what this looks like in other schools
- 1 or 2 follow-up sessions to go deeper (e.g., with your own lessons and/or around instructional coaching)
Or whatever else makes sense for you…
. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hope this helps!
Related Posts
- Podcast – How to take our leadership and teaching to new levels
- Podcast – Harnessing technology for deeper learning
- Podcast – Talking with Richard Byrne on the Practical Ed Tech Podcast!
- 4 Shifts Video Series: Looking for some pilot schools or districts
- August book study: Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning
[Trying something new here…] The 4 Shifts Protocol is taking off in schools around the world. We’ve got tens of thousands of educators already using it for instructional redesign. Schools who are trying to focus on deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and rich technology infusion are finding the protocol to be helpful
Leadership and Vision, Learning and Teaching, News and Events, Student Agency and Voice, Tech Integration, 4 shifts, deeper learning, learning, professional learning, teachingRead More
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